ADVANT / Data Centers / Remote Management
Remote Data Center Management
Data center remote management is divided into:
– Remote control and management of data center servers
(we monitor and manage the operation of the servers themselves (even at the BIOS level) in the data center)
– Remote control and management of data center infrastructure
(monitor and manage the operation of the cooling, power, control, environment, ..)
– Remotely control and manage the power of the data center
(we control and manage the power infrastructure of the data center)
Nowadays, when the optimization of internal business processes is a very important priority of every company, it is necessary to think even more about how to improve, facilitate and shorten work processes in order to achieve the lowest possible costs and consequently improve business or sales results in the company. Every major enterprise and organization that has its own data center is aware of the importance of optimally managing and controlling its smooth operation.
The data center actually stores the most important value of every organization – digital data (all internal and external data of the company and its employees) and a variety of business documents that allow the company to maintain and improve its market presence day by day, specific programs that they are used daily by company employees and so on. The downtime of the data center can result in serious losses o reven closing the business in some cases, means losing thousands of euros every SECOND when the data center does not work for any reason.
With any serious optimization of procedures related to the operation of the data center (which is usually located in a remote location other than the corporate headquarters, which means additional time and money to go back and forth), we cannot bypass the remote access functionality. to accurately manage and control the operation of the data center.
Intelligent remote power and power management solutions enable data center managers and IT administrators, to be more efficient in deploying limited power and power resources to operate data centers without the need for their physical presence. Raritan solutions are standardized and therefore fit your existing Server infrastructure. The intelligent power strip (PDU) family consists of switchable and measuring intelligent power strips. Raritan intelligent power strips offer the best possible utility on the market in the remote measurement, monitoring and management of the power supply of IT equipment (server, data center, ..).
All in all, power management solutions provide you with the features and functionality to:
- make good decisions about power capacity
- make more efficient use of power sources
- improve uptime
- lower investment costs and save on operating costs
- measure PUEs and deploy green data center initiatives
You also have a remote centralized power management software called Power IQ®. Power IQ® is a highly efficient solution that allows you to remotely control and communicate power and environmental conditions at any level – floor, data center, department, rack, type of equipment – from a single computer screen. Power IQ® supports PDUs from (link: various manufacturers worldwide (Raritan, APC, HP, ..). Contact us for a free demo of the program.
Don’t know what power strip model is best for you?
Use the PDU model selector according to your el. infrastructure and choose the right one for you!
Using the Raritan KVM-IP. Switch enables you to:
at the server (BIOS) level in case of “failure” of the operating system (re-image server) or the entire network via the browser user interface (even in 1920 x 1080 FHD resolution) on Windows, Linux, Sun or Mac operating systems via iPad and iPhone devices.
remote installation of operating systems, software
remote download and file management on the server
completely synchronous operation of the mouse without any lag
to shorten mouse installation time on each server
possible local server configuration (connection directly to KVM switch).
Different models of KVM-over-IP switches allow you to remotely access, control and manage from one to even 1,024 servers – through a single user interface in your chosen browser and the operating system you are using.
Don’t know which KVM model is best for you? Use the KVM Model Selector
MORE FROM OUR OFFER: #Data centers
The offer includes:
- Design
- Construction
- Maintenance
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Advant d.o.o.
Ljubljana, Cesta na Brdo 119A, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 470 00 00
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